Residential development opportunity for c. 1,000 homes in the early stages of preparation.
The site falls within a wider Broad Location for Growth which benefits from designation in the adopted Local Plan.
Key Stats
c. 1,000 new home are proposed.
106 acres of land is owned or controlled by Peel Land.
Overall scheme acreage of c. 120 acres.
The site sits close to the historic City of Lancaster
The site includes a geological feature known as a Drumlin – a mound dating back to the Ice Age which is located in the centre of the site. The Drumlin creates an opportunity to create a vantage / viewing point in the centre of the site, which will be surrounded by open space and green corridors which will permeate throughout the whole site – creating a special, attractive, sustainable and nature rich development location.
Priority to pedestrians and cyclists and will
provide access to proposed bus priority route and cycle superhighway along the A6 corridor.
Adoption of key sustainability principles in both layout and housing design
Priority given to pedestrians and cyclists
provide access to proposed bus priority route and cycle superhighway along the A6 corridor.
Key wildlife and landscape features are proposed to be retained and enhanced.
The proposed homes will have high standards of energy efficiency (utilising the latest technologies) and sustainable build.
Sustainable drainage designs will be adopted to manage surface water drainage, with likely benefits in terms of reducing flood risk in the wider area.
The scheme will include attenuation ponds which will provide valuable new habitat areas, set in attractive open space areas.
The scope for a local Heat Network to serve the development is being explored with Peel Energy.