Working with the local community

We worked alongside partners and key stakeholders to deliver the regeneration of Partington Village by securing improvements to the residential, recreational and retail offers within the village. The Residential element of the wider vision focused on the development of 40 acres of land fronting the Manchester Ship Canal which was formed historically as a result of the arisings from when the Canal was constructed.

We have recently completed disposals with Countryside Properties, who in turn have partnered with Great Places and Sigma, to deliver 450 new homes, which will accommodate a mix of tenures; Affordable Homes, homes for the Private Rented Sector and homes for general Open Market Sale.

The delivery of the houses will secure the completion of the 6km Recreation route known of the Green Loop, which will circle the village and include improvements to existing footpaths as well as a new 1.5km section of canal side footpath within the residential site itself.

Along with the delivery of the new houses and the Green Loop, another key component of the Regeneration proposals was the delivery and of new Retail Shopping Centre in the centre of the village. In order to deliver this element of the vision, we secured ownership of the centre and through the support of the Greater Manchester Growing Places Fund, delivered the new shopping centre ahead of the delivery of housing at Canalside – a departure and advancement on the timescales denoted in the Section 106 Agreement.

As part of the delivery of the Centre, we secured an exciting tenant mix for the village which retained a number of the existing tenants as well as some national brands who were convinced by the location as a result of our comprehensive redevelopment proposals for the wider area. We also worked to improve the setting of the new centre by providing new landscaping, retaining the market operation and promoting complimentary development on surrounding land, which included disposals to Southway Homes for 13 affordable units as well as a sale to the Local Authority.

Throughout the progression of this regeneration project, we forged close relationships with the Parish Council, Ward Councillors and other notable individuals within the area. This was with the intention of securing a social investment in the sites and a feeling of inclusivity for the population of the Village – this culminated in the creation of a public work of art, by local artist Sophie Mahon, which used casts of the hands of residents of Partington and displayed these together at the shopping centre.

Partington shopping centre


  • 460 new homes, of mixed tenure, to be delivered in Partington.  

  • c. £10m of investment in a new Shopping Centre. 

  • Delivery of the 6km Green Loop secured.  

  • c. £384,000 investment in Local Transport Schemes 

  • Improvements to highway junctions within Partington to be delivered. 

  • c. 3.6 acres of new open space to be delivered. 

  • New school car parking area to be provided as a result of this development